Displayfusion license key 7.3.1
Displayfusion license key 7.3.1

  • Rules can now match based on window text (window title) and window class, in addition to process, and process command line parameters.
  • We're planning to add more trigger events in future betas as well. Your rules can now trigger when a window is created, or focused, and also when DisplayFusion starts or exits.

    displayfusion license key 7.3.1

  • You can now have Trigger rules run on more than just window creation.
  • The Triggers feature adds a bunch of new functionality for automating your workflow: The installer and auto-updater automatically backup your settings, so if anything bad happens to your Window Location rules, you can roll back to 7.3.1 and restore your settings from before the update. If you do notice any issues with the imported rules, please let us know. DisplayFusion 8.0 Beta 1 will import your existing Window Location rules, so anything you've setup already shouldn't be affected. Triggers is essentially a much more comprehensive version of Window Location, and as such, it replaces the existing Window Location feature.

    displayfusion license key 7.3.1

    We've added a new feature called Triggers. We're very excited to announce that DisplayFusion 8.0 Beta 1 is now available for download! We don't normally do a news post for Beta releases, but this one has a huge new feature that we're hoping to get some feedback on.

    Displayfusion license key 7.3.1